Print's place in the retail rebound

Monday, June 14, 2021
Print's place in the retail rebound

As COVID cases fall and life is nearing normal, the retail industry is poised for a rebound. To draw shoppers back into brick and mortar stores, retailers are enhancing the shopping experience and signage is a big part of it.

Customers either demand great experiences — and they’re willing to pay more for that — or they expect convenience and want to be in and out really fast,”  says Dmitry Sokolov, global industry lead, retail for HP. “Experience and convenience are where I think retail will continue to develop.” *

A few of the new retail signage trends include:

  • Signage that adds to shopping as an experience
  • Signage that can help facilitate shopping, such as navigational and instructional signs for self-checkout, digital wallets, and queue lines
  • Bold endcap displays that can make it easy to “grab-and-go”
  • Pop-up displays can make an in-store connection with online shoppers who are there for pickup
  • QR codes on signs to provide additional and immediate product and promotional information that may not be available to online shoppers
  • Point-of-purchase displays for essentials reducing the time spent in-store
  • Outdoor signage to draw shoppers in

Print and technology together will continue to connect the online and offline shopping experience and create opportunities for Print Service Providers. HP offers media to create a multitude of applications for both aqueous and latex ink technologies to help retailers meet these new challenges.

HP Latex Ink Technology

Aqueous Ink Technology

To learn more, or to order, contact your HP Large Format Media Specialist at 888-893-4668, or email
