HP Backlit Polyester Film - 42in x 100ft

Create high-impact backlits with the sharp, vibrant color that commands attention. With a specially-engineered coating, this polyester film provides saturated colors and deeper, denser blacks to produce razor-sharp, vibrant images that stand out when backlit.
Keep peak productivity with this high-performance film. With a high-end polyester base and compatibility with HP Latex and Aqueous Inks, this film provides a sturdy construction with improved scratch resistance and rigidity for easier handling and installation.
Respond quickly and impress your customers. Using HP Latex and Aqueous Inks, prints come out completely dry. Move right on to lamination without losing precious time.
Manufacturer: HP Inc.
Manufacturer part number: CR661B
GTIN: 848412012538

Create vibrant, high-impact backlits

HP Backlit Polyester Film

Create sharp, vibrant, high-impact backlits
Create high-impact backlits with the sharp, vibrant color that commands attention. With a specially engineered coating, this polyester film provides saturated colors and deep, dense blacks to produce razor-sharp, vibrant images that stand out when backlit.

Maintain high productivity
Keep peak productivity with this high-performance film. With a high-end polyester base and compatibility with HP Latex and Aqueous Inks, this film produces flame-resistant displays1 and provides a sturdy construction with scratch resistance2 and rigidity for easier handling and installation.

Impress your customers
Respond quickly and impress your customers. Using HP Latex and Aqueous Inks, prints come out completely dry. Move right on to lamination without losing precious time.

Target customersApplicationsBenefits
Print service providersTrade show and event displaysSpecially engineered porous coating
 POP/POS and retail displaysOutstanding ink adhesion and razor-sharp images
 BannersThick construction with a high-end polyester base
 Interior decorationsExcellent dimensional stability
 Pop-up/roll-up displaysEasy to handle and install
  Flame resistant1

Technical Specifications

Ink compatibilityHP Bright Office Inks, HP Vivid Photo Inks, and HP Latex Inks
Weight275 g/m² per ISO 536 Test Method
Thickness220 microns/8.7 mil per ISO 534 Test Method (2 mil aqueous inkjet receptive coating / 6.7 mil polyester base)
Opacity≥80% per TAPPI T-425 Test Method, ≥74% per ISO 2471 Test Method
Whiteness90 per CIE Ganz 82 Test Method, 110 per ISO 11476 Test Method
Operating temperature15 to 30° C / 59 to 86° F
Operating humidity20 to 80% RH
Flame resistanceASTM E84-16 approved fire certification1
Water resistanceWater resistant3
Dry timeInstant
LaminationYes, cold4
Shelf life2 years, unopened in original packaging
Storage temperature5 to 40° C / 41 to 104° F
Storage humidity5 to 80% RH
Country of originProduct of Korea

Warranty Statement

HP large format printing materials are free from defects in materials and workmanship. For warranty statement please see HPLFMedia.com/MediaWarranties. To obtain warranty service, please contact
Brand Management Group customer support at HPLFMedia.com/hp/en/contactus.


1 ASTM E84-16 approved fire certification.
2 You can consider unlaminated use for short-term signage with scratch resistance comparable to hard-solvent inks on self-adhesive vinyl and PVC banner. Scratch-resistance comparison based on testing third-generation HP Latex Inks and representative hard-solvent inks. Estimates by HP Image Permanence Lab on a range of media.
3 Performance varies based on printer and print profile. Water resistance testing by HP Image Permanence Lab on a range of HP media and follows ISO 18935 method. For more information, see:
4 For more information see HPLFMedia.com/laminationcomp.

Product GroupHP Backlit Polyester Film
Media TypeBacklit Film
Config1 Roll1 Roll
Length100 ft30,5 m
Width42 in1066 mm
Thickness (mil)8.7
Thickness (micron)220
Weight (gsm)275
Ink CompatibilityAqueous
Regional AvailabilityAmericas